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What To Look For In A Great Hire

Hiring managers have a tough but essential job. They use their resources and skills to match labor workers with businesses in need of help. This is done through a series of steps, each step designed to show the hiring manager different strengths of a candidate so they can determine the proper placement.

The interview stage is a critical step in the hiring process, and can usually be the deciding factor for placement. Hiring managers should be looking for X key things to determine whether or not the candidate in front of them is a great hire.

Here is a complete hiring manager's guide to spotting characteristics of a great hire at the interview stage.

Timeliness Is A Trait In A Great Hire

You can tell a lot about a candidate before an interview even begins. If a candidate is late to the interview (or even right on time) it can tell you a lot about their time management skills and how serious they are about the interview. Accidents and emergencies happen, but for the most part, showing up 5-10 minutes early for an interview is a sign of respect, time management, and dependability.

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Professionalism Is A Must In A Great Hire

Showing up on time is a great step, but there are professional standards that candidates are expected to meet. This includes dressing for the job, being prepared with any requested documentation or ID, and understanding the basics of workplace etiquette and behavior. These standards are different across different industries, but a hiring manager should be looking carefully at a candidate's basic understanding of professionalism during the interview. This can even come down to body language during the interview or knowing how to communicate with a professional manager and stay on topic.

Knowledge Of The Industry With A Great Hire

If the candidate shows up early and demonstrates professionalism, that's a good first impression. Next, a hiring manager should dive into the candidate's strengths, skills, and knowledge of the industry. This can look like asking about past work experiences and achievements. Discuss the responsibilities of the job and gauge their comfort and confidence levels with the work required. For entry-level positions, knowledge of the industry and experience are not as important as a willingness to learn or a positive attitude. When hiring for higher-level positions, a deeper understanding of the industry and prior experience is more important.

Willingness To Learn Is A Huge Plus In A Great Hire

The right candidate for the job is not always the one with the most experience or the most knowledge about the industry. A willingness to learn is a characteristic that all hiring managers should be looking for. A candidate who is eager to be part of the team, puts effort into learning and understanding their responsibilities, and welcomes constructive criticism and feedback can be a significant asset to any business. Yes, it may take a little longer to train them and assimilate them into the company, but a positive attitude and a willingness to learn are invaluable,

Communication Skills and Conflict Management

The resume and interview will tell you a lot about a candidate’s communication skills. Is the resume professional, clear, and free of typos? This small detail shows that the candidate is concerned about their first impression and puts effort into making sure the details of how they introduce themselves are accurate. During the interview, pay attention to how the candidate listens to you. Do they make eye contact? How is their body language? Do they use professional language? Would you want this person speaking to your customers?

Ask questions about a time when they experienced conflict in the workplace. Listen carefully for accountability. Do they blame everyone else for the situation they’re referring to? Do they admit their mistakes? Everyone makes mistakes, but a great hire will be accountable. A great hire is not someone who gets along with everyone, but instead knows how to work as a team and handle conflict in a healthy and productive team. Know the signs of a toxic employee and how to avoid adding them to your team.

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Organization Goes A Long Way In Spotting A Great Hire

Showing up to the interview on time and with all of the required documentation is a good start when it comes to understanding how organized a candidate is. However, asking a few pointed questions will give you a better idea of how organized a candidate is and how these skills (or lack of) will impact their ability to be successful.

Some of these questions include:

● Can you share the method you use to prioritize your work?

● What steps do you take to make sure you meet important deadlines?

● Tell me about a time when you had to juggle multiple projects at once.

● Is it important to you to have a clean and organized workstation?

How To Find A Great Hire The First Time

There's a lot to consider when hiring someone new for your company. Their contributions, skills, and strength could significantly improve how your company works, or it could derail it. There is a definite risk when it comes to hiring and onboarding, which is why so many successful Los Angeles companies leave it to the pros.

If you're feeling overwhelmed with interviews and resume reading, connect with us today so we can help you find your next great hire.


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