Staffing Agencies Are Critical Lifelines During Mass Layoffs
It seems like once a month we're seeing news of big corporations announcing mass layoffs, leaving thousands of people without jobs and companies scrambling to fill vacancies. 150,000 people were terminated last year in the tech industry alone, leaving many employers wondering what to do next after a sudden and dramatic shift.
When people get laid off, most don’t have the luxury of waiting around to find something else. With so many families living paycheck to paycheck, it’s common to see someone terminated on a Friday and actively seeking new employment over the weekend. One of the most common ways unexpectedly unemployed people find new jobs is by connecting with a staffing agency.
Staffing Agencies Increase Their Pool During Layoffs
Staffing agencies are a vital lifeline between businesses and potential employees, especially during a time of mass layoffs. Staffing agencies become bombarded with qualified people who have been displaced and looking to start a new job immediately. The staffing agency has the challenging job of screening, interviewing, and categorizing these potential employees to quickly get them back in the workforce.
For employers, this means the best resource for quick and qualified work is a staffing agency. Whether you need temp work to fill in the gaps or relieve your overworked staff, or you’re looking to fill a full-time position, a staffing agency is a smart strategy.
Staffing Agencies Fill In The HR Gap
Working with a staffing agency means you provide a list of positions and qualifications you’re looking for, and the staffing agency does the rest. You spend your time doing the tasks that matter to your business, while the staffing agency can handle a customized contract of screening, background checks, interviews, and onboarding. You drastically increase your chances of hiring competent, experienced, and qualified workers by working with a staffing agency vs. taking the time to vet and interview every online application you receive. If your company just came off of a layoff chances are the HR department could need an extra hand.
A staffing agency is also a valuable resource for companies that have experienced a mass layoff and are ready to start hiring again. This can feel like an overwhelming job for a growing business and is usually part of a dramatic shift in the vision of the company. Hiring after a mass layoff must be careful and intentional, ensuring that every position is filled with a qualified candidate who sees the company’s new vision and can contribute to its success.
Staffing Agencies Specialize In Rebuilding A Work Force
If there are dozens or even hundreds of job positions to be filled, a staffing agency can work alongside HR and other hiring teams to fill the vacancies quickly and efficiently. Staffing agencies have a large pool of talent at their disposal, allowing them to access qualified candidates quickly. They can also help with the training and onboarding processes so that every new hire starts with the same information.
Layoffs aren’t easy on anyone, but sometimes they are necessary for a company to survive and be in a position to grow again. If you’re experiencing a layoff or are looking to hire during one, connect with a professional Los Angeles Staffing Agency today. Their team of experts can help you find the help you need, so you can spend time focusing on other important aspects of your business. Learn more here.