A Day In The Life Of A Temporary Staffing Recruiter
A temporary staffing recruiter spends their day connecting job seekers with companies that are hiring for long or short term job assignments. They build relationships with companies to learn more about the positions they need to fill and the type of candidate they’re looking for. They also work closely with job seekers to learn about their strengths and talents and use this information to find job placements.
Every recruiter organizes their day a little differently, depending on the location of the agency, the industries they represent, their experience in the industry, and how many job seekers they are working with.
Take a look at some of the most important roles and responsibilities of a temporary staffing recruiter and how they spend their day:
Staffing Recruiters Are Goal Setters
Many recruiters start their day by going through the calendar to get a good idea about what they need to accomplish that day and that week. This helps them structure the rest of their day and prioritize what is most important. Checking first thing in the morning helps recruiters decide how they will move forward with their day, whether it’s checking emails, data entry, sourcing, or scheduling interviews.
Staffing Recruiters Call On Active Job Seekers
The morning is the best time to connect with job seekers and give them updates. This allows them to start their day with a clear idea about what you need from them and that you are actively working on their behalf.
Recruiters split their candidates into two categories, active candidates and passive candidates. An active candidate is actively looking for work for a variety of reasons. Maybe they’re worried about the long term stability of their current job or have a feeling their job will soon be outsourced. Being an active candidate doesn’t necessarily mean they are unemployed, just that they’re actively looking to make a change. The other group is the passive candidates. These people still have a job and aren’t looking for anything new.
Recruiters will spend the first few hours of their day calling active job seekers and updating them on the job search process.
Staffing Recruiters Follow Up With Leads From Yesterday
Once they’ve connected with all of the active candidates, they’ll spend time following up with leads, connecting with passive candidates, sending emails to ask job seekers for updates, scheduling interviews, and sending assignments. During this time, recruiters will hear back from companies and job seekers and help facilitate connections.
One of a recruiter's biggest responsibilities is interviewing candidates for open positions. This helps them get to know the job seeker and learn what kind of work they are looking for. They use this interview to get a feel for which company would be a good fit and gather the information that companies are looking for in a new hire, such as
How well the candidate works with others
Their organization and time management skills
Their flexibility, problem-solving skills and
How dependable, capable, and experienced they are.
After each interview, a recruiter will take what they learned in the interview and document it, sending their thoughts/advice to employers to facilitate a match. If the candidate isn’t the right fit for a particular position, the recruiter will keep the job seeker’s information and add it to their pool of talent to use in the future.
Team Meetings
Throughout the day, recruiters attend team meetings to set and define goals, discuss strategies, go over training and education materials, and stay up to date on local and state hiring laws. These conversations help recruiters maximize their time and ensure they’re following employment rules and regulations across the board.
Other Daily Responsibilities
Recruiters are excellent multi-taskers and can focus on many different tasks at once. In between writing emails, making calls, scheduling interviews, and reading resumes, recruiters find time to post jobs across various platforms, change job requirements, communicate with clients, help with the onboarding process, and field job assignment specific questions. There are a number of variables that can add or subtract from these responsibilities based on the client requirements and agency specific workflows.
At The End Of The Day
They are experts at time management and prioritizing, and the most successful recruiters use every minute of their workday wisely. At the end of the day, recruiters will send follow-up emails, try to reach hard-to-reach candidates, clear their workspace, and update their calendars.
Bottom Line
Good recruiters are busy recruiters. They wear a lot of hats and know how to maximize their time. They use their skills and resources to match job seekers with full-time or temporary work based on the needs of both.
If you’re looking to connect with a Los Angeles staffing agency to help you get back into the workforce, let’s have a conversation. Click here to get started.