Safety In The Industrial Workplace

In every profession, there is a potential for risk. Safety in the workplace is vital across all industries, but industries like manufacturing, construction sites, and logistics involve exposing employees to high-risk work situations daily. Equipment malfunction, commercial vehicle accidents, and exposure to hazardous materials are all occupational hazards that employees need to be aware of.
To stay in compliance with California laws regarding safety in the workplace, along with prioritizing the health and safety of your employees, it is essential to have a plan regarding safety in the industrial workplace.
Risk Assessment
The first step in prioritizing safety in the industrial workplace is identifying the risk. Which department, worksite, machinery, or task puts your employees at the highest risk? A risk assessment is a crucial step in being proactive about workplace safety. Talk to your employees about the duties and responsibilities that they feel put them in danger. When you can narrow down the most dangerous aspects of your job, it becomes easier to train your employees on how to identify and avoid them.
Educate Yourself
Just because you gauge your workplace as safe does not mean you comply with OSHA regulations and California workplace standards. It is essential to be up to date on federal guidelines regarding safety in the industrial workplace. Each industry has to follow a strict set of instructions to remain compliant, but these guidelines are often edited and updated. Your knowledge and understanding of these guidelines will not only help you avoid costly fines for violations, but will also serve as an outline to help you make your workplace as safe as possible.
Put Policies In Place
Once you've assessed the risks and understand what is expected of you in terms of California law and workplace safety standards, you can begin to come up with plans and procedures to make your workplace safer. These plans should clearly identify risks associated with working with a particular tool, vehicle, piece of equipment, or workplace location.
All expectations, methods, practices, and guidelines should be written out and readily available for the employees who need them. Not only should these plans help employees identify risks, but also equip them with the information and resources to avoid them. Emergency procedures should be part of regular training and written and posted throughout your workplace. Employees should know how to deal with a specific emergency and where to find personal protective equipment or emergency resources. These plans could include:
Electrical safety procedures
Fire prevention plans
Evacuation routes and
Hazardous material exposure plans
Invest In Training
Safety in the workplace starts with your employees. Proper training and education on the importance of workplace safety can go a long way. Make sure all of your employees are trained on how to assemble, clean, disassemble, and use industry-specific equipment, and that they know what to do in case of an emergency. Posters should be displayed throughout the workplace to remind employees of safety expectations, and all employees should be given a safety handbook that dives into the specifics of workplace safety procedures.
Lead By Example
You can’t expect your employees to implement a safety plan if upper management doesn't do it first. It is essential that managers, supervisors, and all top management staff take the safety precautions seriously and implement them consistently. These plans should be evaluated regularly, and training should be offered so that everybody in the workplace is up-to-date on current safety standards. A review of the number of accidents in your workplace will help you gauge how effective your safety plan is and what you can do to modify it for better results.
Although it is one of the most important aspects of a workplace, safety regulations and procedures can often get pushed to the back burner to make room for other administrative tasks in an industrial workplace. This can put employees at risk and decrease productivity in the workplace.
How Outsourcing Can Help Safeguard Your Work Space
Many California companies that take workplace safety seriously choose to hire Orange County staffing agencies to help them navigate workplace safety. Most Riverside staffing agencies are up-to-date on California regulations regarding workplace safety and can help your company stay compliant.
Safety in the industrial workplace is not something you can do halfway. Your employees are your most valuable asset, and keeping them safe and healthy should be your number one priority. If you're not sure how to create a safety plan for your industrial workplace, contact an industrial staffing agency today. Outsourcing administrative tasks like payroll, recruiting, and other HR functions can give employers more time to focus on workplace safety.
